Source code for zope.schema.vocabulary

# Copyright (c) 2003 Zope Foundation and Contributors.
# All Rights Reserved.
# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
"""Vocabulary support for schema.
from collections import OrderedDict

from zope.interface import directlyProvides
from zope.interface import implementer
from zope.interface import providedBy

from zope.schema._compat import text_type
from zope.schema.interfaces import ITitledTokenizedTerm
from zope.schema.interfaces import ITokenizedTerm
from zope.schema.interfaces import ITreeVocabulary
from zope.schema.interfaces import IVocabularyRegistry
from zope.schema.interfaces import IVocabularyTokenized

# simple vocabularies performing enumerated-like tasks
_marker = object()

[docs]@implementer(ITokenizedTerm) class SimpleTerm(object): """ Simple tokenized term used by SimpleVocabulary. .. versionchanged:: 4.6.0 Implement equality and hashing based on the value, token and title. """ def __init__(self, value, token=None, title=None): """Create a term for *value* and *token*. If *token* is omitted, str(value) is used for the token, escaping any non-ASCII characters. If *title* is provided, term implements :class:`zope.schema.interfaces.ITitledTokenizedTerm`. """ self.value = value if token is None: token = value # In Python 3 str(bytes) returns str(repr(bytes)), which is not what # we want here. On the other hand, we want to try to keep the token as # readable as possible. On both 2 and 3, self.token should be a native # string (ASCIILine). if isinstance(token, bytes): token = token.decode('raw_unicode_escape') elif not isinstance(token, (str, text_type)): # Nothing we recognize as intended to be textual data. # Get its str() as promised token = str(token) if isinstance(token, text_type): token = token.encode('ascii', 'backslashreplace') # Token should be bytes at this point. Now back to native string, # if needed. if not isinstance(token, str): token = token.decode('ascii') self.token = token self.title = title if title is not None: directlyProvides(self, ITitledTokenizedTerm) def __eq__(self, other): if other is self: return True if not isinstance(other, SimpleTerm): return False return ( self.value == other.value and self.token == other.token and self.title == other.title ) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __hash__(self): return hash((self.value, self.token, self.title))
[docs]@implementer(IVocabularyTokenized) class SimpleVocabulary(object): """ Vocabulary that works from a sequence of terms. .. versionchanged:: 4.6.0 Implement equality and hashing based on the terms list and interfaces implemented by this object. """ def __init__(self, terms, *interfaces, **kwargs): """Initialize the vocabulary given a list of terms. The vocabulary keeps a reference to the list of terms passed in; it should never be modified while the vocabulary is used. One or more interfaces may also be provided so that alternate widgets may be bound without subclassing. By default, ValueErrors are thrown if duplicate values or tokens are passed in. If you want to swallow these exceptions, pass in ``swallow_duplicates=True``. In this case, the values will override themselves. """ self.by_value = {} self.by_token = {} self._terms = terms swallow_dupes = kwargs.get('swallow_duplicates', False) for term in self._terms: if not swallow_dupes: if term.value in self.by_value: raise ValueError( 'term values must be unique: %s' % repr(term.value)) if term.token in self.by_token: raise ValueError( 'term tokens must be unique: %s' % repr(term.token)) self.by_value[term.value] = term self.by_token[term.token] = term if interfaces: directlyProvides(self, *interfaces)
[docs] @classmethod def fromItems(cls, items, *interfaces): """ Construct a vocabulary from a list of (token, value) pairs or (token, value, title) triples. The list does not have to be homogeneous. The order of the items is preserved as the order of the terms in the vocabulary. Terms are created by calling the class method :meth:`createTerm`` with the pair or triple. One or more interfaces may also be provided so that alternate widgets may be bound without subclassing. .. versionchanged:: 4.6.0 Allow passing in triples to set item titles. """ terms = [cls.createTerm(item[1], item[0], *item[2:]) for item in items] return cls(terms, *interfaces)
[docs] @classmethod def fromValues(cls, values, *interfaces): """Construct a vocabulary from a simple list. Values of the list become both the tokens and values of the terms in the vocabulary. The order of the values is preserved as the order of the terms in the vocabulary. Tokens are created by calling the class method :meth:`createTerm()` with the value as the only parameter. One or more interfaces may also be provided so that alternate widgets may be bound without subclassing. """ terms = [cls.createTerm(value) for value in values] return cls(terms, *interfaces)
[docs] @classmethod def createTerm(cls, *args): """Create a single term from data. Subclasses may override this with a class method that creates a term of the appropriate type from the arguments. """ return SimpleTerm(*args)
def __contains__(self, value): """See zope.schema.interfaces.IBaseVocabulary""" try: return value in self.by_value except TypeError: # sometimes values are not hashable return False
[docs] def getTerm(self, value): """See zope.schema.interfaces.IBaseVocabulary""" try: return self.by_value[value] except KeyError: raise LookupError(value)
[docs] def getTermByToken(self, token): """See zope.schema.interfaces.IVocabularyTokenized""" try: return self.by_token[token] except KeyError: raise LookupError(token)
def __iter__(self): """See zope.schema.interfaces.IIterableVocabulary""" return iter(self._terms) def __len__(self): """See zope.schema.interfaces.IIterableVocabulary""" return len(self.by_value) def __eq__(self, other): if other is self: return True if not isinstance(other, SimpleVocabulary): return False return self._terms == other._terms and providedBy(self) == providedBy(other) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __hash__(self): return hash(tuple(self._terms))
def _createTermTree(ttree, dict_): """ Helper method that creates a tree-like dict with ITokenizedTerm objects as keys from a similar tree with tuples as keys. See fromDict for more details. """ for key in sorted(dict_.keys()): term = SimpleTerm(key[1], key[0], *key[2:]) ttree[term] = TreeVocabulary.terms_factory() _createTermTree(ttree[term], dict_[key]) return ttree
[docs]@implementer(ITreeVocabulary) class TreeVocabulary(object): """ Vocabulary that relies on a tree (i.e nested) structure. """ # The default implementation uses a dict to create the tree structure. This # can however be overridden in a subclass by any other IEnumerableMapping # compliant object type. Python 2.7's OrderedDict for example. terms_factory = OrderedDict def __init__(self, terms, *interfaces): """Initialize the vocabulary given a recursive dict (i.e a tree) with ITokenizedTerm objects for keys and self-similar dicts representing the branches for values. Refer to the method fromDict for more details. Concerning the ITokenizedTerm keys, the 'value' and 'token' attributes of each key (including nested ones) must be unique. One or more interfaces may also be provided so that alternate widgets may be bound without subclassing. """ self._terms = self.terms_factory() self._terms.update(terms) self.path_by_value = {} self.term_by_value = {} self.term_by_token = {} self._populateIndexes(terms) if interfaces: directlyProvides(self, *interfaces) def __contains__(self, value): """ See zope.schema.interfaces.IBaseVocabulary D.__contains__(k) -> True if D has a key k, else False """ try: return value in self.term_by_value except TypeError: # sometimes values are not hashable return False def __getitem__(self, key): """x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y] """ return self._terms.__getitem__(key) def __iter__(self): """See zope.schema.interfaces.IIterableVocabulary x.__iter__() <==> iter(x) """ return self._terms.__iter__() def __len__(self): """x.__len__() <==> len(x) """ return self._terms.__len__()
[docs] def get(self, key, default=None): """Get a value for a key The default is returned if there is no value for the key. """ return self._terms.get(key, default)
[docs] def keys(self): """Return the keys of the mapping object. """ return self._terms.keys()
[docs] def values(self): """Return the values of the mapping object. """ return self._terms.values()
[docs] def items(self): """Return the items of the mapping object. """ return self._terms.items()
[docs] @classmethod def fromDict(cls, dict_, *interfaces): """Constructs a vocabulary from a dictionary-like object (like dict or OrderedDict), that has tuples for keys. The tuples should have either 2 or 3 values, i.e: (token, value, title) or (token, value). Only tuples that have three values will create a :class:`zope.schema.interfaces.ITitledTokenizedTerm`. For example, a dict with 2-valued tuples:: dict_ = { ('exampleregions', 'Regions used in ATVocabExample'): { ('aut', 'Austria'): { ('tyr', 'Tyrol'): { ('auss', 'Ausserfern'): {}, } }, ('ger', 'Germany'): { ('bav', 'Bavaria'):{} }, } } One or more interfaces may also be provided so that alternate widgets may be bound without subclassing. .. versionchanged:: 4.6.0 Only create ``ITitledTokenizedTerm`` when a title is actually provided. """ return cls(_createTermTree(cls.terms_factory(), dict_), *interfaces)
def _populateIndexes(self, tree): """ The TreeVocabulary contains three helper indexes for quick lookups. They are: term_by_value, term_by_token and path_by_value This method recurses through the tree and populates these indexes. tree: The tree (a nested/recursive dictionary). """ for term in tree.keys(): value = getattr(term, 'value') token = getattr(term, 'token') if value in self.term_by_value: raise ValueError( "Term values must be unique: '%s'" % value) if token in self.term_by_token: raise ValueError( "Term tokens must be unique: '%s'" % token) self.term_by_value[value] = term self.term_by_token[token] = term if value not in self.path_by_value: self.path_by_value[value] = self._getPathToTreeNode(self, value) self._populateIndexes(tree[term])
[docs] def getTerm(self, value): """See zope.schema.interfaces.IBaseVocabulary""" try: return self.term_by_value[value] except KeyError: raise LookupError(value)
[docs] def getTermByToken(self, token): """See zope.schema.interfaces.IVocabularyTokenized""" try: return self.term_by_token[token] except KeyError: raise LookupError(token)
def _getPathToTreeNode(self, tree, node): """Helper method that computes the path in the tree from the root to the given node. The tree must be a recursive IEnumerableMapping object. """ path = [] for parent, child in tree.items(): if node == parent.value: return [node] path = self._getPathToTreeNode(child, node) if path: path.insert(0, parent.value) break return path
[docs] def getTermPath(self, value): """Returns a list of strings representing the path from the root node to the node with the given value in the tree. Returns an empty string if no node has that value. """ return self.path_by_value.get(value, [])
# registry code
[docs]class VocabularyRegistryError(LookupError): """ A specialized subclass of `LookupError` raised for unknown (unregistered) vocabularies. .. seealso:: `VocabularyRegistry` """ def __init__(self, name): = name super(VocabularyRegistryError, self).__init__(str(self)) def __str__(self): return "unknown vocabulary: %r" %
[docs]@implementer(IVocabularyRegistry) class VocabularyRegistry(object): """ Default implementation of :class:`zope.schema.interfaces.IVocabularyRegistry`. An instance of this class is used by default by :func:`getVocabularyRegistry`, which in turn is used by :class:`~.Choice` fields. Named vocabularies must be manually registered with this object using :meth:`register`. This associates a vocabulary name with a :class:`zope.schema.interfaces.IVocabularyFactory`. An alternative to this is to use the :mod:`zope.component` registry via `zope.vocabularyregistry <>`_. """ __slots__ = ('_map',) def __init__(self): self._map = {}
[docs] def get(self, context, name): """See zope.schema.interfaces.IVocabularyRegistry""" try: vtype = self._map[name] except KeyError: raise VocabularyRegistryError(name) return vtype(context)
[docs] def register(self, name, factory): """Register a *factory* for the vocabulary with the given *name*.""" self._map[name] = factory
_vocabularies = None
[docs]def getVocabularyRegistry(): """Return the vocabulary registry. If the registry has not been created yet, an instance of VocabularyRegistry will be installed and used. """ if _vocabularies is None: setVocabularyRegistry(VocabularyRegistry()) return _vocabularies
[docs]def setVocabularyRegistry(registry): """Set the vocabulary registry.""" global _vocabularies _vocabularies = registry
def _clear(): """Remove the registries (for use by tests).""" global _vocabularies _vocabularies = None try: from zope.testing.cleanup import addCleanUp except ImportError: # pragma: no cover # don't have that part of Zope pass else: # pragma: no cover addCleanUp(_clear) del addCleanUp