Schema Validation

There are two helper methods to verify schemas and interfaces:

zope.schema.getValidationErrors(schema, value)[source]

Validate that value conforms to the schema interface schema.

This includes checking for any schema validation errors (using getSchemaValidationErrors). If that succeeds, then we proceed to check for any declared invariants.

Note that this does not include a check to see if the value actually provides the given schema.


A sequence of (name, zope.interface.Invalid) tuples, where name is None if the error was from an invariant. If the sequence is empty, there were no errors.

zope.schema.getSchemaValidationErrors(schema, value)[source]

Validate that value conforms to the schema interface schema.

All zope.schema.interfaces.IField members of the schema are validated after being bound to value. (Note that we do not check for arbitrary zope.interface.Attribute members being present.)


A sequence of (name, ValidationError) tuples. A non-empty sequence indicates validation failed.

Invariants are documented by zope.interface.

Create an interface to validate against:

>>> import zope.interface
>>> import zope.schema
>>> _a_greater_b_called = []
>>> class ITwoInts(zope.interface.Interface):
...     a = zope.schema.Int(max=10)
...     b = zope.schema.Int(min=5)
...     @zope.interface.invariant
...     def a_greater_b(obj):
...         _a_greater_b_called.append(obj)
...         if obj.a <= obj.b:
...             raise zope.interface.Invalid("%s<=%s" % (obj.a, obj.b))

Create a silly model:

>>> class TwoInts(object):
...     pass

Create an instance of TwoInts but do not set attributes. We get two errors:

>>> ti = TwoInts()
>>> r = zope.schema.getValidationErrors(ITwoInts, ti)
>>> r.sort()
>>> len(r)
>>> r[0][0]
>>> r[0][1].__class__.__name__
>>> r[0][1].args[0].args
("'TwoInts' object has no attribute 'a'",)
>>> r[1][0]
>>> r[1][1].__class__.__name__
>>> r[1][1].args[0].args
("'TwoInts' object has no attribute 'b'",)

The getSchemaValidationErrors function returns the same result:

>>> r = zope.schema.getSchemaValidationErrors(ITwoInts, ti)
>>> r.sort()
>>> len(r)
>>> r[0][0]
>>> r[0][1].__class__.__name__
>>> r[0][1].args[0].args
("'TwoInts' object has no attribute 'a'",)
>>> r[1][0]
>>> r[1][1].__class__.__name__
>>> r[1][1].args[0].args
("'TwoInts' object has no attribute 'b'",)

Note that see no error from the invariant because the invariants are not validated if there are other schema errors.

When we set a valid value for a we still get the same error for b:

>>> ti.a = 11
>>> errors = zope.schema.getValidationErrors(ITwoInts, ti)
>>> errors.sort()
>>> len(errors)
>>> errors[0][0]
>>> print(errors[0][1].doc())
Value is too big
>>> errors[0][1].__class__.__name__
>>> errors[0][1].args
(11, 10)
>>> errors[1][0]
>>> errors[1][1].__class__.__name__
>>> errors[1][1].args[0].args
("'TwoInts' object has no attribute 'b'",)

After setting a valid value for a there is only the error for the missing b left:

>>> ti.a = 8
>>> r = zope.schema.getValidationErrors(ITwoInts, ti)
>>> r
[('b', SchemaNotFullyImplemented(...AttributeError...))]
>>> r[0][1].args[0].args
("'TwoInts' object has no attribute 'b'",)

After setting valid value for b the schema is valid so the invariants are checked. As b>a the invariant fails:

>>> ti.b = 10
>>> errors = zope.schema.getValidationErrors(ITwoInts, ti)
>>> len(errors)
>>> errors[0][0] is None
>>> errors[0][1].__class__.__name__
>>> len(_a_greater_b_called)

When using getSchemaValidationErrors we do not get an error any more:

>>> zope.schema.getSchemaValidationErrors(ITwoInts, ti)

Set b=5 so everything is fine:

>>> ti.b = 5
>>> del _a_greater_b_called[:]
>>> zope.schema.getValidationErrors(ITwoInts, ti)
>>> len(_a_greater_b_called)

Compare ValidationError

There was an issue with compare validation error with something else then an exceptions. Let’s test if we can compare ValidationErrors with different things

>>> from zope.schema._bootstrapinterfaces import ValidationError
>>> v1 = ValidationError('one')
>>> v2 = ValidationError('one')
>>> v3 = ValidationError('another one')

A ValidationError with the same arguments compares:

>>> v1 == v2

but not with an error with different arguments:

>>> v1 == v3

We can also compare validation errors with other things then errors. This was running into an AttributeError in previous versions of zope.schema. e.g. AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘args’

>>> v1 == None
>>> v1 == object()
>>> v1 == False
>>> v1 == True
>>> v1 == 0
>>> v1 == 1
>>> v1 == int

If we compare a ValidationError with another validation error based class, we will get the following result:

>>> from zope.schema._bootstrapinterfaces import RequiredMissing
>>> r1 = RequiredMissing('one')
>>> v1 == r1